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You need to buy ready-made shoe felt, but it may help to buy a larger size here.
Since washed fabrics shrink a bit and the fabric becomes denser, you should purchase the size 1 oversized shoe felt.
You also need to use a thick plush felt shoe sole.
You have to pre-drill the holes in the felt base, but if you don't have an awl it can be a bit cumbersome.
Also, if you want to knit Knitted House Shoes for Children, you need to buy a Felt Shoe sole according to the feet of your children. The finest felts are used to knit ankle boots and socks. Felt fabric, which prevents it from tearing and fraying quickly.
Before having to pierce the sole of the felt shoe. Weave chains on the sides. Be careful not to be too narrow, the shoes will become narrower when you wash them. Measure the length of the sides of the shoe.
Sew the top of the knit shoe to the base with a needle. Pull the chain again and the top of the Home Shoes knit boots should not be narrow. Even if you do it a little, you can overcome the slack problem with the pulley later.